About Us
“My grandfather used to say that wood is not a material, it is a living being. This is true!”

After three generations of wood crafting, we have learned that even the most advanced technologies and accessories have to serve only one purpose: revealing the inner soul of wood, Nature’s precious creation taken in its very best form, powerful and gentle, warm and refreshing, timeless and ever changing. The genuine European design and manufacturing, a thorough understanding of family lifestyle and aspirations, adds up to our tradition and expertise in wood craftsmanship for continually adding value and quality to your home every day.
Every piece of furniture that you bring into your home is a “person” that should instantly bond to your soul, to your intimate living space. Not only has it to be durable for accompanying your family over time but charming enough to win your heart. This is the kind of product we have in mind at Romina Furniture!
There is no greater satisfaction on a professional level than to see your work becoming a little angel’s 1st furniture, 1st home, where he or she will grow healthy and strong to take on the challenges of this journey called “Life”.

Our company was founded in 1991 in Romania, South-Eastern Europe, and continues the furniture manufacturing passion spanning over three generations and several decades. Passion and hard-work leads to growth and development and in 2006, reaching the optimum level of experience and knowledge we decided to embark onto the Romina Furniture journey, launching the brand in United States.
With over 85 retailers across US, Canada and other parts of the world, our focus is to manufacture the best furniture a child and his/her family can dream of. Furniture is not a perfect product for wood and trees are not perfect materials but nothing can stop us from seeking perfection. It is this understanding of the process that fuels our enthusiasm in containing the beauty and variation and the perfect imperfections of natural materials further giving then shape and color and purpose to become a little angel’s first home.
Controlling our production facilities in Europe is giving us a competitive advantage over all other companies who outsource their production to third parties. All furniture is being manufactured under our direct supervision and control, and with 100% European ingredients. We know precisely what goes into the furniture and there are no question marks when it comes to quality. Baby furniture is out passion and we wholeheartedly design and manufacture it with our own families in mind.
This is product of people and technology, passion and science, materials and purpose, the all important ingredients that you will not find on the product specification sheet. We invite you to see, touch and feel a Romina product for you will instantly discover that we are not making furniture because it is our business, but because it is our passion.
“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business”
A wise man once said that “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.” These words have been the guiding light of our steps, the philosophy that fuels our work with ambition and commitment to quality without compromise.
Romina Furniture is dedicated to providing customers with the highest quality products and services. We carefully select the finest wood and through innovative technologies and hard work we bring you a product that not only is beautiful but most important is healthy, safe and durable, far superior than most anything else currently manufactured.
There are some manufacturers who design furniture for appealing to a large number or individuals often referred to as “customer base”. Those who are very successful in achieving their goals are often copied by others hoping to appeal to the same people and this goes on and on creating what is called a “trend” or “fashion”; this slowly fades away leaving nothing but objects and shapes. It takes a very special ingredient to convert Science into Art and Art into Style that will create memories to last a lifetime; this very rare ingredient is called “passion” and we use it in abundance, it is the secret I’ve leant from my grandfather.
We take design and manufacturing as social responsibilities thus for it complements performance and has the ability to provide the child with the most needed confidence, self-esteem and protection, the launching ramps to success.
The best companies are animated by a cause, a lasting theme, an architecture that supports the transformation of the greater environment. It has personal, rather than organizational implications. We aim to be the most recognized and prestigious furniture brand in the world thus our cause is to change the concept of quality, teach the customers what a premium product should look and feel like, set new standards and continually reinvent ourselves to challenge the same standards we have set.
Dumitru Toader – President
Good life from day one.